Works II
Swiss artist DESSA characteristically devotes herself to a particular theme for quite some time. This approach goes with empirical experience and spiritual discoveries which together become a kind of initiation and allow the artist to explore her subject with particular intensity. Triggered by spontaneous interest, the exploration process widens into an unending passion that challenges the artist’s own energy… indeed until the full range of her expressive force and her inner world of imagination have materialised into a work of art.
The work cycles of DESSA’s oeuvre mark the individual phases of the artist’s search for authenticity. The process of sounding out a subject and transforming it into a work of art poses a direct challenge to the artist’s personality. It implies an unconditional determination to penetrate the depths of the underlying content of the subject, opening the door to all the emotions this unleashes, some of them radical, and tame the creative unrest this produces.
Dr Petra Lange
(Extract from DESSA – COMPOSITION: Music and Painting, 2010)